
BASWA DTG New Product Launch

Wednesday, Jun 1, 2022


We are excited to announce another product addition to our BASWA portfolio. BASWA DTG is a high-quality acoustic solution, making it even more adaptable to any project. The highlight of this product is its functionality.


Using drywall screws and special mounting plates, BASWA DTG acoustic panels may be swiftly and easily installed directly on the metal grid. It is instantly processed to create a smooth, seamless acoustic ceiling, as well as a healthy and pleasant environment.

 The product is sustainable and made from up to 90% recycled materials. BASWA DTG is an upgrade in the installation process and sustainability. This acoustic solution is affordable, simple to install, and provides excellent quality and performance. It preserves the product's aesthetic and acoustic qualities.

Direct- Seamless- Sustainable

  • Direct and seamless installation on metal grid.
  • Simple and quick installation even without shadow gap
  • Sustainable from up to 90% recycled materials.


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